Susan Meachen is ALIVE.

Susan Meachen is ALIVE.

Susan Meachen
S. Marie Meachen
TN Steele
Susan Swallowsmeachen
Above is the list of names this woman uses, has used, and is still using. Everything that I have seen and heard about this situation makes me sick to my stomach. Susan Meachen or her daughter (this is still unsure) made a post on Facebook in the reader's group called 'The Ward' stating that Susan had taken her life in 2020. This of course stunned her friends, families, author friends, and readers to the core.
Hearing someone has taken their life due to bullies is disheartening and wrong, no one deserves that kind of treatment and for Susan to use this ploy as a way to make book sales is even more disheartening, it is downright deplorable. 
... I just can't, I will only be repeating myself.
This kept on for two years! TWO whole ass YEARS!
It is sad all the books were removed from KU, but placing the blame on someone who most likely didn't do it is worse.
Then the group was passed to a few others to run, just in case you missed it, TN Steele is Susan's penname. 
This was supposedly her daughter posting this in reference to TN Steele.
And there were donations made to help the family in their time of need, $1,737.00 of hard-working people's money was given to a woman who was still very much alive and lying. Granted it states it was for a man who may have needed the surgery but this still sits wrong with me.
And then BOOM! She came back to life with this post! 
and then this.
What bothers me most is this, there is an author by the name of Samantha A. Cole and she is wonderful, her work is amazing and she, in general, is a good person who has suffered loses from suicide. During all this, she thought she lost another friend to something so terrible, and to have it come out 2 years later she did not break me. There are SS of her final conversation (after all of this had come out) posted on FB, just search Samantha's name and you will find it. I do not feel that it is my right to post that so I will be keeping this post free of it. 
For now, that is all I have to say, I just want to as always make people aware of the things happening in the bookish world. 
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