'The Ritual' by Shantel Tessier

'The Ritual' by Shantel Tessier

THE CHOSEN ONE I vow. You vow. We vow. Barrington University is home of the Lords, a secret society that requires their blood in payment. They are above all—the most powerful men in the world. They devote their lives to violence in exchange for power. And during their senior year, they are offered a chosen one. People think growing up with money is freeing, but I promise you, it’s not. My entire life has been planned out for me. I never got the chance to do what I wanted until Ryat Alexander Archer came along and gave me an option for a better life. He offered me what no one else ever had—freedom. I chose to be his. He made me believe that anyway, but it was just another lie. A way that the Lords manipulate you into doing what they want. After being sucked into the dark, twisted world of the Lords, I embraced my new role and allowed Ryat to parade me around like the trophy I was to him. But like all things, what started out as a game soon became a fight for survival. And the only way out was death. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GREEN CHECK YOUR TRIGGERS BEFORE DIVING INTO THIS ONE! My rundown: The beginning of this book was slow to start, riddled with information that didn't quite make sense, but I enjoyed that aspect because it added to everything when you get into the midst of it all. Ryat is an interesting character and in this particular context very appropriate. Blake, on the other hand, I found her to be a whiny bitch, who by the way never actually confronts Ryat about anything her ex-boyfriend tells her. She just kind of goes with the info and runs on it making shit unbearably annoying in the end the grand scheme of things. Blake wants everything this man offers her but at the drop of a hat runs away because she didn't like one thing rather than confronting the issue ahead she cries and hides in a random city. The relationship between Blake and Ryat is toxic of course it's a dark romance about a dude who's in this secret society where they get to essentially claim a girl to have sex with for the rest of their college years and then they leave behind to marry a woman chosen by their parents. Toxic. Now, it is toxic I ate up in a day, not lying the way I consumed this book is unreal. My heart raced and my mind was stunned by each twist and turn of the story. I am not going to do a massive rundown of everything that happens because I will give too many spoilers and this book is too good to do that too. My rating: Reading rate: Four stars [The way it ended had me longing for more.] Spice rate: Three [there were bits and pieces I didn't like and were triggering.]
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