'The Beast' by Jenika Snow

'The Beast' by Jenika Snow

What if the Beast never turned into the prince?
My father had just sold me off.
Bartered my body to erase his debt to the very devil himself.
A Beast of a man. Literally.
A creature whispered about amongst the villagers and feared by all.
He was a beastly visage at three times the size of a man, his monstrously huge body covered in fur. Sharp fangs and eyes that held an unearthly red glow. He had pawlike hands tipped with claws and horns that arched back from his inhuman face.
I was to live with him, to be his in every way—all ways—he saw fit.
I was to be his wife, and so I offered myself up as the proverbial sacrifice to the very devil himself.
I just didn’t expect to enjoy being with a monster as much as I did.
My thoughts:
Going into this I was really excited, I had seen and heard nothing but great reviews and now that I have fully read it-- I had to put it down because the way the beast speaks is a lot to take-- and I can say, I am incredibly disappointed. I was hoping for the magic of B&TB, but I got NO plot and all sex. I got misogyny, gaslighting, bestiality, and manipulation with an underlining Stockholm [which I overlooked because let's face it, the original B&TB had the same underlining problem with Stockholm. But all of that aside I hated this book so much because of the repetition, the writing was subpar and the way she randomly throws big words into the middle of a sentence without any prior use had me aggravated.
Moving on from that, as I mentioned above there was no plot line to the book at all, it was merely an obsessed man who stalked a woman around her village, a dead-beat father, and a girl of who knows how old thrown into the mix with the name Belle. Ninety-seven percent of this book was about him sexualizing her and then having actual sex. The context of her being with a monster, creature whatever you want to call him wasn't what I found the most disturbing it was a pure rape vibe he threw off on every single page, it was the fatphobia sprinkled in when talking about her and the chef, it was the way she treated him down right cruelly in the beginning.
As a whole, I wouldn't recommend this book to my worst enemy.
The spice was overdone when it didn't need to be [and I realize this was most likely based around that but still you can overdo it with the sex.] The way the beast was treated by Belle annoyed me.
I would give this a one star for reading, and zero for spice.
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