'Kali and the King' by Natalia Prim

'Kali and the King' by Natalia Prim

From the rubble of Colony9 to the palace of a giant.
Kali’s only ever been good at one thing—turning tricks to survive. Life on the toughest remnant of Earth taught her to follow her gut, and it’s never once led her astray.
Until she’s nearly killed by a secretly sādistic client and saved by an absolutely massive, winged giant.
After returning the favor, she’s whisked to a new world full of pleasure and more aliens who want her. It’s a better future than she ever dreamed possible.
But everything isn’t just roses and orgāsms, though there’s a helluva lot of those. From a language barrier to culture shock to injuries, to conspiracy, and even murder, Kali and her males have a lot to overcome before their happy-ever-after. And that’s assuming she can survive the very public mating ceremony.
Kali and the King is book one in this exciting new sci-fantasy erotica series. Inside you’ll find so, so many things, (content warnings for all of which are on my website - nataliaprim. com -) including massive size difference, MMFM aliens/human mate quad with public claiming, cüt play with teeth, hurt comfort, prehensile tail-action, long tongues, wing hugs, and a cast of characters you’re sure to fall for.
My thoughts/ Rundown
I got this when Amazon gave us the 600 free e-book selection, the blurb itself was something that I thought would be a good quick read but didn't really go into it expecting anything. I was pleasantly surprised to find the story itself interesting, but I did find myself wondering a few things, like what did they to Max? Why was he left in the cell alone was it to die? You get it there were holes I wish were filled a bit more. On that note I found the POV of the men to be a tad frustrating only because I had to re-read a few sentences multiple times in order to understand what they were trying to say.
On another note, the relationships were gathered together well, Max is your A-typical King who is this is mine you can't have it, Nate was your I am insufferable and don't deserve to be happy. Then you have Bro who is breath of fresh air in my opinion he added some much-needed break in the standard characters for these types of books. All in all, I liked the characters and the way they interreacted with one another.
This story reminded me of IPB in a lot of ways, but Natalia Prim was able to create her own story without taking anything directly from another story which I loved.
The spice in this was great, she gave us a view into something most do not, normally with RH books we only get a man with woman, but Natalia gave us a beautifully sexy look into M/M and boy howdy was it amazing.
I would recommend this to anyone with a sci-fi, monster love in reading, it is a quick read I devoured it within two hours of starting it. So go onto Kindle and download I promise you won't regret it.
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