'Ice Planet Barbarians' Book 1 By Ruby Dixon

'Ice Planet Barbarians' Book 1 By Ruby Dixon

You’d think being abducted by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you’d be wrong. Because now the aliens are having ship trouble, and they’ve left their cargo of human women—including me—on an ice planet.
We’re not equipped for life in this desolate winter wasteland. Since I’m the unofficial leader, I head out into the snow to look for help.
I find help all right. A big blue-horned alien introduces himself in a rather . . . startling way. Vestal says that I'm his mate, his chosen female—and that the reason his chest is purring is because of my presence. He’ll help me and my people survive, but this poses a new problem.
If Vektal helps us survive, I’m not sure he’s going to want to let me go.
Please for the love of God check your triggers before reading ANYTHING, especially the things I review here because I am mentally ill and like really strange shit and ninety percent of it has triggered.
My rundown:
When the pandemic hit, and we were all isolated within our homes I found this series. Now, before we get into it, I will say this; I am a big fan of the absurd romance, the crazier the creature partners with a human the more I will love it. Now, the beginning of this story it is held in an alien spacecraft somewhere in the abysses of space [not sure why the exact location is relevant though so yea.] Our MFC is Georgie, she is a young adult who was abducted and caged for the purpose of sales. It mentions there is a possibility it will be for slavery or consumption but there is no concrete information about this. {Unless I completely missed it which is a very plausible reality.} Along with her there is a handful of other girls all in the same predicament as her, caged and abducted from their beds. Eventually, the aliens are introduced [might I add, in the worst way possible and the relevance of it within the first book is nonexistent.] and they pick one of the girls and in the end rapes her before returning her to the very packed cages in the ship's cargo hold. Then Georgie decides it's time to fight back [not sure why it took her this long to come to that conclusion] and she is able to convince the others to join her in taking over the ship. As this is happening the ship just happens to be over a world made completely of snow and ice [This part is a little contradictory when it comes to the other books, but we will get into that later], and basically the ship crash lands. When the girls come to Georgie decided she needs to head out on her own to find stuff/ a place for the girls to live or something along those lines.
When she is out and about wandering the world made of ice in her underwear, she comes across a trap that dangles her from a tree, she fights, and I think she either knocks herself out or she passes out. Either way that is where her POV ends and Vektal's begins, he describes the sight of her as a creature he doesn't know. He cuts her down and his Khui begins thrumming signaling she is his mate something he didn't think would happen to him [Even with my love of these types of stories I find myself giggling at the thought of something vibrating in my chest telling me there that one you are to have sex and make babies for the rest of your life with that one right there.] Anyways, then she wakes up to him between her legs and you know is eating her out. In my mind I thought that would be a big fat hard no for me, a random blue dude with horns and a tail performing sexual acts without consent is a red flag. But I digress, she wakes up and is thrown off but lets him continue [I think...] When she introduces herself to him, he ends up calling her Shorsie, because they don't speak the same language which is solved later down the road.
Basically, they stay in the little hunter's cave deal having sex and getting to know one another before she begins to get sick and needs her own Khui to survive the harsh conditions of the planet. [I think the introduction of this tribe is explained later in the series, but I need to reread to make sure.] Eventually, she is able to convince Vektal to take her to her friends where Liz [one of the sassier characters refers to Vektal as a lion] They spend some time with the girls before leaving again with the intention of bringing more of Vektals men to help them move the girls to the Trible cave and hunt a big beast thing for the Khui worms.
On their way to the cave, they find another spaceship where they do a mental download of the sakh language on Georgie. This whole thing is painful for her which freaks Vektal out and he panics but, in the end, when she comes to, she can understand him. During the time she is recovering, and they are chatting he makes fun of her being human saying they have weak tongues, weak eyes, and bodies which annoys her.
On their way out of the new ship another sukh male named Raahosh shows up and they start talking and Vektal tells him about the other girls. And then the three of them head back to the main cave to see the others and where they meet Georgie for the first time. [Which is slightly uncomfortable as they are talking about her father to her and it's well yea.] The next day Vektal collects his best hunters and supplies to head back out to the other girls and then to hunt a big ass creature that is described as a big ass deer by Liz, and they are filled with worms or Khui in its heart. The sukh call it a sa-kohtsk. Sometime during this trek back to the crashed ship, the other sukh men get a mental download of English so they can take it to the other girls. After they bring it down Georgie gets a sukh [or cootie] by a cut on the side of her neck then she passes out. All the while this is happening Raahosh forces, Liz, to get the khui and then kidnaps her and that is the start of book 2.
My final thoughts:
All in all, I enjoyed the book itself, the story was different and fun, and the characters personalities all came through perfectly. I enjoyed there being many bodies with individual personalities that weren't overlapped or compromised by another character. I use this series as a pallet cleanser and a numb read when I have too much other stuff.
Reading rate: Four stars
Spice rate: Four stars
I would recommend this to pretty much everyone.
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