Gild by Raven Kennedy

Gild by Raven Kennedy

The fae abandoned this world to us. And the ones with power rule.


Gold floors, gold walls, gold furniture, gold clothes. In Highbell, in the castle built into the frozen mountains, everything is made of gold.

Even me.

King Midas rescued me. Dug me out of the slums and placed me on a pedestal. I’m called his precious. His favored. I’m the woman he Gold-Touched to show everyone that I belong to him. To show how powerful he is. He gave me protection, and I gave him my heart. And even though I don’t leave the confines of the palace, I’m safe.

Until war comes to the kingdom and a deal is struck.

Suddenly, my trust is broken. My love is challenged, and I realize that everything I thought I knew about Midas might be wrong.

Because these bars I’m kept in, no matter how gilded, are still just a cage.

But the monsters on the other side might make me wish I’d never left.

The myth of King Midas reimagined. This compelling adult fantasy series is as addictive as it is unexpected. With romance, intrigue, and danger, the gilded world of Orea will grip you from the very first page.


My Thoughts: 

Well, royal saddles... Let me tell you when I say opening this book, I did not expect the first page to be a scene with Royal Saddles, and the activates happening on page. But, it was a good hook so I will give you that. 

Going into this, I honestly didn't expect to like it, I thought it was going to be well, not good. But I can say I was wrong, it was one of the best I have read in a while. 

The way it began was a bit mmm, much, the way it filtered into something and expanded, then crashed down on you was amazing. The humor within the book itself was fantastic, the drama, heart ache and everything else was equally as amazing. 

I cannot get over the snow pirates though, that was funny and a little much but it fits in this world. 

I want to go into so much detail but it will ruin it for any future readers, so I will end this with a simple, rest in peace Sail, and good luck Golden Finch. 

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