Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

(All the art are from various artists which have watermarked their work, none of it belongs to me.) 

Enter the brutal and elite world of a war college for dragon riders from New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Yarros

Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: 
dragon riders.

But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.

With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. The rest would kill her just for being her mother’s daughter—like Xaden Riorson, the most powerful and ruthless wingleader in the Riders Quadrant.

She’ll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise.

Yet, with every day that passes, the war outside grows more deadly, the kingdom's protective wards are failing, and the death toll continues to rise. Even worse, Violet begins to suspect leadership is hiding a terrible secret.

Friends, enemies, lovers. Everyone at Basgiath War College has an agenda—because once you enter, there are only two ways out: 
graduate or die.


My thoughts: 

04.15.2024: So far here is what I think about Fourth Wing: Being introduced to Violet, her sister and mother was nothing short of interesting to me. It also brought the question of, does Violet and her sister share the same father? As I understand her mother was sick giving Violet her signature brown and silver hair, where as her sister mirrors her mother (which is also understandable you know genetics) but the way she speaks about the father gives one a feeling which could be completely a me thing at the end of the day) Now, when it comes to Dain and all that 'you need to go back to the scribe quadrant' stuff is getting really annoying! We get it, Violet is in danger, she is sick and small, but she is consistently saying she isn't going to the scribe quadrant. As for Xaden, the dark and mysterious Wing leader who rides a described 'Ruthless' also known as Sgaeyl is an interesting character. Though already you can tell he isn't going to kill her. 

As of now, with how far we've gotten I am thoroughly enjoying everything about the book. 

Same day update: We are being introduced to some of the different breeds of dragons. They all have breed names and that includes the 'Black one' which is called a 'Moringstartail' to be honest I am not sure why this one bothers me, but it is a lackluster name for one of the most formable dragons around. So why doesn't the breed have a more fear instilling name? 

So, Jack and Violet, the hatred and desire of his to kill her is a nice little side story to keep things interesting. But Dain is still being annoying, if isn't him begging her to leave the dragon quadrant it's him ragging on and on about Jack and Xaden wanting to kill her. And when she finally stands up for herself, she gets a verbal lashing from Dain. I understand his point of view on trying to protect her, but words and warnings will do nothing at all for her safety. He could show her how to fight or stir her towards something that could help her out when Jack comes for her. 

EW! I hate the nickname Xaden gives Violet... 'Violence'. On the note of Xaden, I am happy someone is actually trying to teach Violet how to fight/how to defend herself unlike her 'Best friend' Dain. 

Dain NEEDS to stay out of Violet's shit man, unless he is going to do or teach her something useful, he got to go! Like going behind her back to go talk to Colonel Markham, where does he get off tattling like a bitch to the boss about people who are going to want her dead regardless of what quadrant she placed in. 

Today is Presentation Day... and yet again Dain is all up in his please just go to the scribe quadrant situation. And as usual, the only reason she made it through was based on the advice Xaden gave her! Because he is the only one who actually cared enough to give her valid useful advice! When they go in for the presentation, I found myself giddy when reading the part where greens sniffed down Violet. It was really interesting to learn that there is a line of communication between unbonded riders and dragons. 

Yay to Threshing day! Sadly, on the way to the area where they are chosen by a dragon, fucking Jack decides it is the day the Feathertail is to die. Jesus this boy needs to get his ass kicked from there to Cliffsbane Flight Academy where the gryphons can happily munch on him. Thankfully our girl Violet is there to save the day, well at least she is trying to but the golden feathertail isn't really getting the whole an asshole named Jack is hell bent on killing it so naturally, Jack turns his attention to Violet once she is stopped. Ah, love that daggertail Sgaeyl and her rider Xaden, but I think Violet would have put a good fight against Jack - Oren didn't seem very committed to killing a dragon, small or not, though Tynan is on the same level of crazy as Jack is. 

... I was wrong, I take the nice thing I said about Oren back, he is a shit like that little bitch Jack who ran away like a coward. Also, note, I had thought Xaden was going to help her, but Violet was good on her own! 

Yes, yes, all of what just happened is a huge yes from me! Violet has been chosen by 'Tairneanach'. But to be honest if I was thrown around like a rag doll after falling, I don't know how excited I would be to be chosen by him. With that being said, I would have loved to be chosen by Andarnaurram! Not only is she beautiful, but she is also sweet and caring, well in truth it seems as though both her and Tarin are - well towards Violet. 

Thank shit Xaden showed Violet where Dain's true allegiance stands, but the codex not her. He would have watched three cadets kill her without the thought of saving her because it goes against the rules. Damn, so I thought Jack was a bitch (which he is) but Dain basically telling Violet I don't wanna be with you because I was the leader position next year is a whole new level of little bitch. I have Dain atm, some part of me hopes that changes but I am on page 205 and my doubt that will is stronger. 

Why do I find Imogen helping violet odd, and slightly unsettling? 

Side note: I wanna punch Jack in his face.... that I am sure it a mutual feeling amongst the fans of Fourth wing. Also, to add to my list of who I would love to punch is Dain. He makes me irrationally angry, more so than Jack. Shit at this point I would take being in a room listening to Jack talk shit that Dain talk in general. 

 04.16.2024: Last night I was reading, and I was happily introduced to Liam, but I remember seeing posts on TikTok, so I already know his tragic ending and let me tell you, I am half tempted to stop reading before chapter 36... And why was Liam introduced into Violet's life? Well, it is because Oren Seifert decided it was the perfect time for him and handful of other unbonded Cadet's to go kill Violet in her sleep so her dragon Tarin will bond to him - it is a far fetch idea seeing as if she dies, he dies, so does Xaden & Sgaeyl. While all of this is happening Tarin is telling Xaden to hustle his ass to Violet's room before she dies. All the while Violet is doing a decent job at defending herself, which doesn't last, and Oren gets ahold of her. Then Andarna channels her magic - the ability to stop time, because it turns out she is a literally child dragon - to help her get out of the grasps of Oren when Xaden shows up and uses his shadow magic to kill everyone before slicing Oren's throat. 

After that, the following morning when everyone is together Captain Fitzgibbons reads the death scroll before Xaden gives Violet a bodyguard with the name of Liam - who by the way is the sweetest - before going in front of everyone and calling out Dain's girlfriend - sorry not girlfriend - friend Amber out in front of everyone. She is the one who unlocked Violet's door to give Oren access to her. While Xaden is laying down the accusations about Amber's involvement Dain of course is yelling at Violet to tell Xaden he is lying and to stop the whole trail deal. Of course, that bitch doesn't take his 'best friends' side. But when it is revealed (by Amber herself) she is sentenced to death, all the while Violet is begging for her to be spared but Tarin says fuck no and burns Amber to a pile of ash then her former dragon (Claidh) cries out which broke me a little. 

After all that we are given some insight to a forming relationship between Laim and Violet. That is all before Violet is introduced to the mating pull of Tarin and Sgaeyl which forces her out of the keep and into the cold of the night. That is where she finds Xaden suffering from the same and smoking something called churam which is stated to have a dulling effect towards the dragon's mating feelings. Xaden offers to help Violet learn how to block out Tarin so the whole sexual situation doesn't bother her too much, or in the least manage it. 

04.17.2024: I started where I left off, Xaden is taunting her, making her ask him nicely to teach her how to block Tarin out. Ah, I was waiting to see the duo's first little hint of intimacy, and it is here after she shuts her mental door to Tarin and Sgaeyl. They kiss, and I have a feeling perhaps the whole reason they are attracted to one another has to due to the mating bond between their dragon's though with that being said, she was attracted to him before hand in a hate but his hot kind of way so perhaps the dragon's bond just enhances hers? 

Look Dain! She didn't tell you, because she doesn't trust you, SO why the shit would she tell you? I sure wouldn't. 

On another note, Ridoc is a dork and so immature which I find oddly hilarious. And Imogen, she is turning out to be one of my favorites (Which may bite me in the ass) Thankfully though we can so far depend on Rhi being there to kick her ass on the mat and then comfort her with all the shit going on. 

Yay! Love that Mira and Violet got to reunite after Violet and her squad won the challenge! Also, seeing and learning about people's signets and how they are used. BUT now Mira is on the fucking bandwagon of telling Violet who and who she shouldn't be hanging around or how she should be living her life. Dain is already annoying as fuck, but to add Mira to this is even more annoying! LEAVE HER ALONE! The whole I hate Xaden because he has Violet thing is so frustrating, Dain she doesn't want you in her pants, she wants Xaden and the whole mask of he is bad because of the 'His dad is the great betrayer' is not needed as he is the wing leader, bonded to a dragon and got retribution from Violet's mother.  

Then with the whole shitting on her for not being able to keep her seat, she is tiny annoying as fuck and Tarin is MASSIVE so there is that. But we can't dwell on that for too long since Tarin yells out about Gryphons are heading right for them! But Xaden kisses her to convincing her to leave by kissing her before Tarin comes and snatches her up. 

Thankfully Xaden does come back and then confines in her about the death of his father which is why he has a hard time sleeping. He confesses that he knows everything about her in order to 'ruin' her before devolving that is no longer his plan. It is a nice moment for them, confessions, understanding and so much more. 

One thing that does bother me with Tarin and Violet, mainly Violet because she doesn't ask him anything about Xaden who has known him for a hot minute. Well in general she doesn't ask Tarin anything at all. 

But on to the next, Tarin now has a saddle! But why isn't it allowed? Aside from Tarin saying he said it was allowed. Any who, Xaden made the saddle in an effort to making her comfortable, and ultimately safe. Thankfully Tarin didn't fry him as he put it onto the Dragon, I suspect that has to do with Sgaeyl.

Fucking Jack man... Why did he have to go and stab Laim?! Even so, this gave Violet a chance to show her signet power, which is lightening, I find it fitting for her. And then, finally Jack is dead thanks to the rockslide caused by Violet. Which is the first-person violet kills, this sends her into a spiral it was hard to read. Dain of course has to stick his nose into the mix by telling her not to use her powers. It is nice to see Dain getting put in his place, he definitely needs to take a step back. 

Welp, there is it, the first time (of many I am assuming) Xaden and Violet hope in the sheets together! With that being said, anything spicey makes me feel awkward so for reference, I skimmed over it - I do the same in movies lol I just cannot. 

It must have been a damn good rump in the sack since both of their powers around and about making a mess of the room. After words, he reveals that there is a 107 of the kids with the rebellion marks are scared onto his back. He explains why that they are being punished for the sins of their parent's which drives me bonkers. 

DONT FALL FOR ME?! Dude, that is way too late of a warning!!! She has leapt and is fear falling for you buddy, and the jar of Violet's on her nightstand aren't helping. 

So, one kid is murdered out right for being able to read minds, yet Dain has the same thing (minus he has to touch someone to read their minds) but that poor kid had his neck snapped?! I don't understand this part to be honest, but I am going to go with it and continuing enjoying this book. In the same deal she was told the professor wasn't going to kill her as her and Xaden are now the most valued dragon riders now, so they need to be protected. 

We get a glimpse of the King, and he is up in front of our girl Violet calling her out for having two dragons, and telling her basically to keep a watchful eye on Xaden as he is a flight risk... I don't get this lol, this is the only plot hole I have a hard time with. 

Violet confesses her love for Xaden, and Xaden confesses that he is wanting to being with her. Seeing their relationship transform was a good narrow line of coming to terms with desire against all else. I must say, I skimmed again so I barely caught their conversations lol. 

Garrick comes to tell them that they are under attack, though it wasn't that, but a lot of people died. 

Here we are at the end of the war games, it is the final one and shit might get real here, I will be back! Fucking shit dude, Dain needs to fly off a hill, she isn't safe with you so go away. Xaden doesn't want to kill Violet because of her mother dude, they are messing in the sheets, and she is going with him so for the love of God, go away. 

We are now on Chapter 34, getting closer and closer to the part I am dreading! 

Here are the gryphon's and their riders, who knows Xaden and all the rebellion kids. We are also given someone insight to the venin well a little. But Violet doesn't believe they are real, this is going to be a problem. But the distrust of the King is fully understandable now. So, while this is all happening, Violet is pissed at her dragons because they didn't tell her, and again she doesn't actually ask Tarin why he didn't say anything and yea. 

So, Gryphon riders are good, and it turns out the Vinan are bad and that they exist. I NEED to know more about all of this asap! It is relived that violet's mother knew the Vanin where all too real and keeping it from everyone. 

Violet no longer trusts Xaden, which is understandable from her point of view, but in the same she can't just not love him. 

It is turns out Dain's father sent them to the outpost that is about to be attacked by the Vinan. It is slightly unclear is Dain knew or not. Back to the Vinan, they are there, and they are creepy as shit not going to lie. (Note: I am not ready for the chaos this is about to cause) They riot and drift team up to fight against the Vinan to protect the innocent people in the village. Also, Wyvern, fuck that shit dude they are made of magic so that leaves one to believe they are terrifying as shit. 


The Vinan start shooting blue fire, all the while Liam is being tossed like a ragdoll towards a Wyvern to kill one of the Vinan. His dragon is being killed, which in turn kills him... I HATE THIS CHAPTER! Not only does Violet lose her friend, but Xaden lost his brother that I think breaks me the most. 

I am dead inside, dead... "Thank you, Liam. Thank you for being my shadow, thank you for being my friend." Violet... "It's been my honor." Liam. 


 Andarna is not fully grown, and the power to stop time has gone away which is shitty to be honest, it could have been used to save Liam and his dragon. That makes me really sad. 

 BRENNAN is alive!!! And he is leading the rebellion! What?! 

"Welcome to the revolution Violet." Brennan.


 I would like to end my review by saying, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I am very excited to start reading the second book "Iron Flame" before January when "Onyx" comes out. With that being said, if you are someone who cannot just enjoy the story for what it is, if you are someone who nitpicks on the writing style, mistakes and little holes then this isn't for you. From the reviews I saw before reading that was a massive issue with most of the readers. While I understand that is really frustrating, but it is what it is, just enjoy the story, the characters and adventure. Fourth Wing (The Empyrean Book 1) eBook : Yarros, Rebecca: Kindle Store

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