'Deep Redemption' By Tillie Cole

'Deep Redemption' By Tillie Cole

ONLY THROUGH BLOOD CAN THE DEEPEST REDEMPTION BE FOUND…He was born to ascend.He was destined to lead.He was never meant to fail.Prophet Cain lies broken and defeated on the floor of his cell. A cell he has been thrown into by the one person who was supposed to stand by his side until the end. His flesh and blood, his only companion. His beloved twin brother.Cain has sacrificed everything for his people. He left the safety and security of his life of study to infiltrate the infamous Hades Hangmen. He lived with them, rode with them, and then betrayed them. All in the name of a faith he can now feel slipping away from him. Like everything else he once held dear…But then his isolation is broken. Another prisoner is brought to the cell next to his. A woman fighting her own demons and fears. A woman who Cain understands needs him, as he needs her. As the connection between them grows, so does Cain’s resolve. He will right the wrongs he has done. He will atone for the evil acts carried out in his name. He will save the one he loves…… Even if the battle takes him to the gates of hell itself.
Book One: 'It ain't me, babe.' [Review posted in 'Honest Reviews'] 
Book Two: 'Heart Recaptured'  [Review posted in 'Honest Reviews'] 
Book Three: 'Souls Unfractured'  [Review posted in 'Honest Reviews'] 
Book Four: 'Deep Redemption'  [Review posted in 'Honest Reviews'] 
Book Five: 'Damnable Grace' 
Book Six: 'Crux Untamed' 
Book Seven: 'Darkness Embrace'
Book Eight: 'My Maddie'
Novella One: 'I do, Babe' 
Novella Two: 'Beauty Found' 
Upcoming Releases: Book Nine: (Title Unknown, but this will be a story for Viking.) 
At first, I didn't know what to think due to the MMC's past history and the disdain I had already harbored.
With that being said, I ended up liking this story, it wasn't my all-time favorite of the story, but his redemption arc was laid out and executed wonderfully.
Spice- Three out of five stars (It was more of a beautiful joining rather than a heated one, and I thought that was perfect for the whole story and the two characters involved.)
General reading rate- Four out of five stars.
I loved the twist of the MFC, and I cried many times, so that alone is a massive win in my book.
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