'A Court of Wings and Ruin' by Sarah J. Maas

'A Court of Wings and Ruin' by Sarah J. Maas

Feyre has returned to the Spring Court, determined to gather information on Tamlin's actions and learn what she can about the invading king threatening to bring her land to its knees. But to do so she must play a deadly game of deceit. One slip could bring doom not only for Feyre, but for everything-and everyone-she holds dear.

As war bears down upon them all, Feyre endeavors to take her place amongst the High Fae of the land, balancing her struggle to master her powers-both magical and political-and her love for her court and family. Amidst these struggles, Feyre and Rhysand must decide whom to trust amongst the cunning and lethal High Lords, and hunt for allies in unexpected places.


My thoughts: 

 04.28.2024: Well, we are back in the spring court with Tamlin once again, and that flipping priestess and her Hybren lackies are all there as well including the human Amaranatha enslaved and some set of creepy twins. I don't like any of this at all and share the same sentiments as the others in the night court circle, Feyre needs to go home before Tammy pants wants in her pants. 

I am always down for a good stunt to put a tricky little beast named Ianthe in her place. She is nothing more than a morphed mouth piece to a couldern who is most likely bored of its slumber, and unhappy for its confinement. If anyone speaks for the book, or the couldern it is Feyre and it was shown in the last book. 

It is amusing to watch Feyre so easily get under Ianthe's skin, and it truly shows how much power Ianthe wants to hold, to bad for her Feyre is blocking her path, or in the very least making it difficult for her to climb the mountain. 

There is more to Jurian then he is letting on, I want to know his end game, what he plans to do once the world of Mortals is invaded. The way he cares for human life like he did before remains unchanged, and so does his heart for vengeance. There is no balance to his cruelty, it is a marker of his long lost master. The thought of seeing the immortal twins running through the woods as a bogge chased them is amusing. 

Letting Tamlin lose his temper and actually hurt for everyone to see is nothing short of the perfect statement.  

I am really starting to like Jurian, while I understand is motivations for revenge I do not agree with them. What I agree with is the strong standing he has to protect those who cannot protect themselves against the fae. And all the while he knows Feyre is up to something, and does not to stop it, rather he does all he can to excel her own revenge against Tamlin. 

I hope that hand is forever disfigured, I hope when people see her they think of her in disgust and not pity. Though I suspect she is to clever to let anyone look at her with anything but loyalty and pity.  

Serves the twins right for poisoning Feyre, and Lucien, they deserved the deaths they were given and I hope it is a blowing strike to Hybern. As for the children of Autumn, if you ask me they got off far to easy. I would have let Cassin gut them like the pigs they are. As for Tamlin, he is getting what was deserved, I only hope that his downfall is never ending darkness that haunts him and his precious priestess. 

The reunion of souls, of Feyre and Rhysand was nothing short of beautiful. I am happy she is home, and they are one again together as it was meant to be. I feel slightly bad for Lucien, he had to fight his brothers yet again, had been taken from the only home he knew, and thrown into the thralls of the night court that already had their reservations about him. It can't be easy for him to adjust in a way that screams I am so happy, and free. Because I don't think he understands he is free, as he never thought he was trapped to begin with. 

Seeing the hate in Nesta doesn't surprise me, what does surprise me is her willingness to accept his presence so close to her. Even her annoyance with him is watered down a bit. It makes me wonder if she has been told she is his mate yet or not. As for Elain, it is a sad thing to see, someone who used to be so vibrant and loving a hollow shell of what could be. It is all due to the selfish acts of a high lord who is now losing everything he possessed. Still, Tamlin's suffering doesn't seem to be enough when faced with two sister thrown into a fate that wanted nothing to do with. 

 Poor Mor, all she ever wanted was a big loving loyal family, and now she is desperately trying to welcome Nesta into that fold only to be shot down with snide remarks coated in hate. I get the anger, I do, but to take it out on people who didn't do it seems wrong to me. 

It wasn't right to prode at Nesta to tell her story to men who don't care to listen. When she is ready if ever to speak of it that is one thing, but to demand (in the form of a question) isn't right. 

I don't know why Feyre didn't expect at least one of them to be upset with her for not telling anyone she was high lady of the night court. That is a massive piece of news not to tell others. And the fact that she didn't understand by taking that title all of her subjects would lay their lives down to protect her baffles me. She is a symbol as much as Rhysand, together they are the protectors of their realm, and their realm protects them even if they do not want to be protected. 

"Why should I be scared of an oversized bat that throws temper tantrums?" Nesta (page 203) Ahahaha! 

What is inside the pit of the library and does Clotho know who she walks with everyday? 

It makes sense sort of that the bone carver and waver are brother and sister, but it leads the question, why him and not her in the cells, and where did they come from? What sort of magic created them and their home world? So many wonders I am sure if I were there Armen would grow rather annoyed with my every breath. 

For creatures so powerful it is rather interesting how the chose to exercise those powers. They could enslave the world and yet they are content to their holes. 

05.01.2024: I needed to take a mental break, there is a lot going on and I cannot seem to focus on the words so I had to put it down.

05.10.2024: I had a slumpy moment and didn't read much of anything, but I am feeling a bit better so, I am back at it. Stay tuned!


Where do we even begin?
I suppose from the start, here in the spring court once more with Tamlin and Lucien who are (in a strange way) trying to become helpful in the way of Feyre settling back into the Court of Spring. I honestly cannot handle this book, there was so much, too much.
I know everyone hates Tamlin, and I understand the reasoning behind the hate, I do, what he did wasn't okay, but what she did to him, was I feel so much worse. He took her freedom in the hope of protecting her, she took everything from him, how is that far?

Now on to the twins, I loved them lmao, they are sassy old fae who have no time for anyone, but alas I was also happy that they in the end died. But Feyre dropped the ball with the high priestess, she should have just out right killed her and saved the Suriel from its death.

The war... the killing... the bone carver, the Suriel, the weaver where does it end?! I hated that any of those characters died, it was a terrible waste. The way Amren tricked/betrayed Feyre with cauldron what the crap-- and then I finished reading and understood, sort of, but still the way Feyre had to watch her father die, in front of Nesta who was clinging and ready to die with Cassian... the whole of the war was heart breaking, and wonderful, and exciting.

But in the end, it was an amazing story, and the action was fantastic!
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