'A Court of Thornes and Roses' by Sarah J. Maas

'A Court of Thornes and Roses' by Sarah J. Maas

When 19-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin - one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world. As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she's been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow over the faerie lands is growing, and Feyre must find a way to stop it... or doom Tamlin - and his world - forever.


My Thoughts: 

04.18.2024: Holy cow! I am only on page 49, and I already have SO many questions! I have a lot of ohh I need to see this happen as well, but that is mute compared to the questions I have! 

We are introduced to Feyre, and her sisters Elian and Nesta as well as a little glimpse of her father. The setting is Feyre in the woods hunting for a doe to feed her family after they lost their fortune. After spotting her prize she lines up her bow and arrow when she spots a pair of shining yellow eyes staring at the same prize. She changes her arrow from her standard one to one make from the ash tree and an iron tip - they can wound and hilt the healing powers of a fairies giving the mortal a chance to land the killing blow. 

After she kills the wolf, she skins it and takes the pelt along with the doe back to her cabin where are get more of an idea how selfish her eldest sister Nesta is. After they all argue and go to bed, the next morning Feyre and her sisters head to town so she can sell the pelts. After visiting and arriving home, a creature described as a lion with a wolf's face and elk antlers adorning his head crashes through the door of their cabin. 

The creature is in a morning, fury demanding to know who killed his friend - the wolf - before making a treaty trade - I need more information on the treaty to really understand it, this is one of my questions - where Feyre goes with him to save her sisters and father. This is where I have stopped reading for the night. 

So far, I am loving everything about this story and cannot wait for the rest of the series to come in the mail! 

04.20.2024: We have arrived at the creature's home, and she is contemplating how to escape and when to do so. 

I cannot, I have a feeling I am not supposed to like Tamlin, but he is a grumpy dude who gets easily annoyed what's not to like (mind you I am on page 59 so my opinion may change) as for Lucien omg I think I may be in love; he is sassy and really funny. 

04.22.2024: Last night's update: Holy hell! The Naga, the cute little Suriel all of it was amazing! And I know I know, we are supposed to hate Tamlin, but at the moment I am loving him and also something about him makes me feel sad for him. With that being said, I haven't gotten to the part that makes everyone hate Tam so there is a chance that comment above will be void. Lucien though, he confuses me but in the same he also makes me feel sad. I wanna wrap them up and cuddle them all day lol. Now, as for the whole Fae losing his wings, I did in fact cry. I don't know who 'she' is but man oh man do I wanna punch him right in the fucking face! Who is so cruel to rip the wings of a fairy off and toss them over a wall to die alone and away from home? Stupid bitch. 

Anyways, I am at the part of the book where Tam and Feyre are swimming in the pool made of stars? I am going to need more information on that, as of right now I am just picturing a pond with a galaxy in it. 

I love the gallery scene; you can tell it means a lot not only to Feyre but to Tamlin as well. It seems as though he is watching something beautiful admire other things of beauty for him. Also, on the note of paintings, I wish there was more details about her painting, what she is painting (aside from the mention of the western woods and city/town) And I wish she would let Tam and Lucien see what she is working on though I understand the need to show the work of perfection. 

Now, the fact Feyre is starting to wonder what Tamlin is up to when he is called away and worried until he comes safe is adorable. 

So, her family is cared for, most likely in the most desired way of her sisters and to the comfort of their father. But I do feel bad she feels as if she is missing something, and in a way, she is missing so much, her absolute freedom. While yes, she can move along the house and gardens with no issues but the fact, she has to have a Fae escort in order to be safe outside of the garden walls makes me sad for her. 

About the blight, and the 'her' comments without name or explanation, makes one think how terrible this woman is. Not only has she basically cursed the land of Prythian as well as all within makes me wanna punch her. And I wanna know more, I need to understand! 

*Laughing* She caught him in her snare! Not only did she (further back) make a joke about petting him and training him with treats she caught him in a snare. It's perfect! He made her laugh, actually laugh for the first time in what seems to be like a very long time. And the tension! Please for the love of everything in the spring court just let them kiss I cannot handle much more of this! 

Oh, I am very exciting to see what one of the Fae holiday's looks like! We are being introduced to 'Calanmsi' (fire night). Never mind, we do not get to see the ceremony for spring, as Feyre is banned from attending (I know it's to keep her safe from the others but damn another pull of the mask that is called freedom) 

WHO IS 'SHE'? And why is she doing what she is doing? What the fuck is a Attor? is it liking a dragon Fae? So many questions! 

I cannot blame Feyre for sneaking out to see the calanmsi I would have done the exact something. Now, as for the mysterious handsome savoir I have a feeling it is Rhysand, I guess I could just continue reading to figure it out huh? Never mind, Lucien came into swifty sling her over his shoulder and usher her back home. 

This slow burn is KILLING me! 

"No, I don't want you to live somewhere else. I want you here, where I can look after you -- where I can come home and know you're here, painting and safe." Tamlin (chp 22 pg 206) [Swooning] 

Aw, I am jelly, I wanna see the world through the eyes of a Fae it seems so much more beautiful than what we can see with our own. Though it would be slightly shocking to wake up to find everything you thought you knew was not true. There are far more people within the hold of the estate and none of them look like Feyre thought in the beginning. It makes sense of why Tam did it, and it might have been overwhelming if he hadn't held the glamor until she was mentally ready. 

04.26.2024: Holy hell, okay so a lot of shit happened. One Rhysand showed up to the spring court and figured out Feyre was there the whole time. She lied and said her name was Claire Beddor (Poor girl) and then Tamlin snapped into action by making love to Feyre, confessing his love for her and then sending her over the wall to her family. 

There we learned that Nesta was never glamoured or couldn't be because she is to strong willed? Anyways, their father mentions buying the Beddor land after they all died, and Feyre was all shit I got to go back and save my man! Nesta backs her up and she leaves back to the spring court only to find everyone gone and it in ruins. 

Eventually she makes her way to the mountain and that is where we meet Amarantha and all her splendid crazy. She makes a deal with Feyre to solve a riddle, and survive three tasks, the first was fighting a giant ass worm, the second was a bit of a riddle to save Lucian's life and I haven't gotten to the third yet. 

Oh, I forgot to mention she basically bound herself to Rhysand for a week every month to save her life after the first task. Now, we are close to the end I need to get back to reading! 

Well, Tam and Feyre tried to have a little secret moment, but Rhysand kindly reminds them crazy pants is just outside and there is a solid chance she'll catch them and then everything Feyre is doing will be for not. So, Tamlin leaves, as he does, he tells Feyre he loves her and then leaves. Rhysand scolds her before covering their asses by kissing her just as Amarantha busts in with Tamlin glued to her side. 

That night Rhysand comes to visit Feyre and starts spilling everything he has pent up since he has been enduring the wrath of crazy pants alone for what a hundred years? 

Alright y'all Amarantha is a sneaky bitch for what she did and thank fuck Feyre has a good memory and continued with the trials. Which when complete clearly pissed crazy pants off to the point where she murdered Feyre. After Amarantha was skewered like a stuck pig the high lords gifted Feyre immortality in the form of being a high fae.  

... That look, the stumble of Rhysand, it can only mean one thing is to come and I am excited and so nervous to see it all unfold. 

Until next time, keeping reading what you love! 



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