'Reckless Liar' by Linnea March

'Reckless Liar' by Linnea March

She thought it was a perfect life.
A perfect love.
It was a tragic lie. Ana Pryce’s future was set. She had the love of her boyfriend Max, her job as an ER nurse, and her lifetime friendship with Xander Eberhardt.
Then suddenly, everything changed.
Growing up in the projects of Ridgewood, Xander understood how to accept what you were given. He never wanted perfect; he only wanted the one thing he could never have.
Until Max was gone.
In the wake of losing the only man she ever loved, she did the unthinkable—and turned to Xander for comfort.
As the world they so carefully created begins to crumble, Ana and Xander are forced to examine the lies that held their lives together for so long.
Trying to run from how they feel about each other might be the worst lie yet. Reckless Liar is a medium-steam small-town romance. It serves as both a prequel to Faultless Notion and the first book in the stand-alone Ridgewood Series.
Release Date: 08.25.2022
Through KDP and available on KU!
My thoughts:
08.09.2022 Update: I love EVERYTHING about it, well, the story I am loving. I am finding the writing to be a little more repetitive than I like, but each to its own, I suppose.
08.16.2022 Update [Final]: I ended up DNFing this title, it wasn't for me in the way of enjoyment.
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