'Raised by Venom' by P.S. Nail

'Raised by Venom' by P.S. Nail

A war has been brewing between two opposing groups for over three hundred years.
V.E.N.O.M. - Vampire Eradicating National Organization of Malice.
S.A.V.E. - Supernatural's Against Venom Elitists.
A human trained as a vampire hunter—and born into the VENOM society—made a mistake on her first night in the field when she chose the wrong vampire to kill. She now has a mark on her back from his vengeful, blood-sucking brother. Being terrorized by a vampire is stressful enough, but when secrets about her society are revealed, she struggles with her own moral code. What is VENOM actually doing with its victims?
A vampire and a member of SAVE watched his brother die at the hands of Sage. He is strategically planning to mess up her world before getting his revenge, but what fun would that be without terrifying her first? The hunter will be the hunted as Sage and those around her become his prey.
It’s easy to make enemies when you have opposing views, and when these two collide, you don’t want to be in the way. Blood will spill, and hearts will break in a fight for survival.
The Argentium Vampire Hunters Trilogy is an 18+ Paranormal Romance set in the present time with a two-character multi-point of view.
Enemies to Lovers
Forbidden Love
Secret Relationship
Strong Female Main Character
Alpha Male
Age Gap
Touch Her and Die
Found Family
Dark Secret
The thrill of fighting him was addicting—he was addicting. His eyes darkened as he looked at me from under his long lashes. His hand tightened on my throat and I swallowed hard from the pressure—the nervousness now getting to me. He moved in close, his nose touching mine. His fangs were only a breath away—along with his lips. -Sage
My breaths were ragged as I tried hard to shift my focus—to break the intense eye contact—but I couldn’t. Her beautiful brown irises were giving me life. The cock of a small crossbow made me flinch, the fear of death is the only thing that could take my attention from her. -Luka
Start date: October 10th, 2022
10.19.2022: Thoughts thus far: It is slow and I am having a hard time keeping enjoyment so I can continue reading. I am close to placing this in my DNF pile.
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