'Crossed Over' by Santana Knox

'Crossed Over' by Santana Knox

Nia Da Silva is dead…

Dead serious about moving on from her past, from roller derby, and the traumatic injury that was a crushing blow to not just her body but her mind.

Running away from her problems wasn’t the fix she had hoped for.

Five years later, she returns to the town that left her with permanent scars. Healing her physical wounds was the bare minimum. She’ll finally have to face herself, and rediscover who she’s always been beneath the lies she’s worn like shredded fishnets over bruised knees.

Pretty crossovers, and strong thighs won’t be enough to champion through her problems. Especially when they challenge who she may be at her very core.

Crossed Over is a Sapphic, coming out story about healing, facing your fears, and becoming the hero you once needed for yourself. Please check content warnings, this story feature's adult themes and language that may not be suitable for readers under 18.


My Thoughts: 

Full disclaimer: I received an ARC copy in return for an honest review. 

 Are you looking for a sapphic story with rediscovery, facing fears and finding the passion once lost for something loved? Look no further, Nia has the perfect story for you, not only does she find herself after five years away, but she also makes the world hers and doesn't apologize for it! 

If you are coming to this book with the intention of spice, don't. This isn't that. But if you are looking for something beautiful and heart wrenching look no further! 

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