"A Soul to Protect' by Opal Reyne

"A Soul to Protect' by Opal Reyne

All Linh wanted was to feel safe.

After escaping vile bandits, Linh is faced with a conundrum. She can either run through the Demon-filled wilds, or seek safety from a serpent monster.

The longer she forces her presence in the monster’s territory, the more she learns a Duskwalker’s heart can be nurturing. Despite her fears, she longs for the slither of his scales across her skin and the burning desire it awakens in her.

All Nathair wanted was to be left alone.

Dealing with the pressure of his fractured mind, Nathair’s return to life has been unpleasant. He’s in pain, his voice lost, and he finds himself protecting a female who is in more danger from him than she realises.

She’s broken. Though he doesn’t know if he can mend her, he craves her so fervently he will do anything to keep her. But Linh wants to return to her people, and Nathair cannot go with her.

How can Nathair convince her to choose him when he is more monstrous than any other Mavka?


** spoiler alert ** Firstly, I would like to state I received an ARC in return for an honest review.
I started with the rating of 4/5 rating, but the more I thought about this book and where the series has gone, I dropped ½ a star (I intend on rounding up). I have been ARC reading this series since book one and I have loved every single one of the books. But this one felt empty in a way, before there was something deep and strung into the fabric of this realm, a mystery waiting to be reveled and, in this book, I didn’t get any of that unfortunately.
As well, the struggles the MFC went through, the healing and the romance was harder to swallow unlike the others (which all have some form of trauma that the characters work through together.) With that being said, the way Nathair comes through for Lihn is just ugh, chefs kiss all the way. AND THE SPICE! Girl I was in the middle of nowhere air space reading this—I admit, it was poor planning on my end—it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

I don’t want to hit to many details, as I hope the readers go into it blind and willing. So, I will leave you with a little quote until you can get your hands on a copy.

“She was his. Every inch of her soft and tender body was his to touch, taste, and hold. Ever since she’d gifted Nathair her soul, his entire essence had locked into sensing hers. Her voice, her smell, her touch, and heat. Even her heartbeat was louder, constantly thrumming in his mind like a playful drum.”


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